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 Important Notice

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PostSubject: Important Notice   Important Notice Icon_minitimeWed Dec 09, 2009 2:25 pm

As you guys know,

Its my b-day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. De vijf wereldreligies zijn: het Christendom, het Jodendom, de Islam, het Boeddhisme en het Hindoeïsme.
Het Christendom: De geschiedenis van het Christendom begint in Palestina in de dagen van Jezus van Nazareth, Jezus zou de door God aangewezen Messias zijn. De ouders van Jezus zijn Josef en Maria, ook had Jezus 12 apostelen. Het belangrijkste geschrift van het Christendom is de Bijbel. De bijbel bestaat uit twee delen, het oude en het nieuwe testament. Enkele feesten zijn, Kerstmis, Carnaval, Pinksteren. Een bekend ritueel is het dopen. Symbool:
Het Jodendom: Rond de eerste eeuw voor de jaartelling bestonden er kleine joodse sekten, na de vernietiging van een tempel in 70 verdwenen de sekten. Het Jodendom werd een afzonderlijke godsdienst. In de loop van de geschiedenis hebben Joden veel ellende meegemaakt, slavernij, anarchisme, bezetting en ballingsschap. Het belangrijkste geschrift van de Joden is de Tenach, de T staat voor Thora (wet), de N voor Newie’iem (Profeten) en de CH voor Ketoewiem (geschriften). Wekelijks houden de joden Sjabbat, het begint op vrijdagavond met zonsondergang en eindigt 25 uur later, er mag binnen die tijd bijv. geen gas worden aangestoken. Symbool:
De Islam: De Islam is ontstaan in de 7e eeuw. Voor Moslims is de Islam de oorspronkelijke religie. Hun God is Allah en de belangrijkste persoon is Mohammed, hij werd opgeroepen om het geloof van Adam en Abraham opnieuw te introduceren. Het belangrijkste geschrift is de Koran (Qur’an), men gelooft dat de Koran het enige Heilige boek is dat nog niet veranderd of vervalst is. Een belangrijk feest van de Islam is het Suikerfeest, het feest word aan het einde van het Ritueel ramadan gevierd (het is dus een feest ter gelegenheid van het vasten). Er word tijdens dat feest veel zoetigheid gegeten en veel mensen komen bij elkaar om het te vieren. Symbool:
Het Boeddhisme: Het Boeddhisme is een geloof zonder God die werd gestart door Gautama Boeddha, die leefde waarschijnlijk van 450 tot 370 v.Chr. in het tegenwoordige Nepal en hij stierf op 80 jarige leeftijd. De oudste verzameling geschriften in het boeddhisme is de Pali Canon en bestaat uit 3 onderdelen. De Suttapitaka, de toespraken en uitspraken van Boeddha, opgeschreven door mensen die hem goed kenden. De Vinaya, over de discipline en regels van de monniken. De Abhidhamma, filosofisch commentaar. Enkele feestdagen zijn: Vesakha Puja (volle maan in mei) de dag waarop Boeddha werd geboren, verlichting bereikte en overleed, deze dag werd ook wel de boeddhadag genoemd.
Het Hindoeïsme: De naam is afgeleid van het Perzisch woord hindoe, dat “rivier” betekend. Vanaf de 19e eeuw is het Hindoeïsme een verzamelnaam die wordt gegeven aan alle godsdiensten van Indiase oorsprong. Er is geen sprake van een enkele hoofdstichter, zoals een profeet ofzo. Het Hindoeïsme heeft veel symbolen, Ohm bijvoorbeeld staat voor perfectie, het Shri-symbool is een teken van welvaart en welzijn. Er zijn ook vele geschriften die voor hindoes belangrijk zijn. De Veda’s (oudste religieuze geschriften te wereld 1500 en 500 v.Chr.) zijn het belangrijkst, maar worden door weinigen gelezen. De verhalen, zoals de Ramayana (verteld het verhaal over prins Rama en zijn vrouw Sita) en de Mahabharata (gaat over zelfopoffering en juist handelen).Enkele belangrijke feesten zijn, Holi (voorjaarsfeest), Divali (lichtfeest) en Nawratam Puja (feest ter ere van de godin Durga).

2 Beschrijft het karakter van het christendom zoals het op de cd vertelt wordt.
Het Christendom heeft een Westers karakter en in toenemende mate een mondiaal karakter.

3 Hoe is het christendom begonnen, volgens Willemien Otten?
Het begon als Joodse sekte, Jezus Christus was een als messias aangemerkte profeet die in het begin van onze jaartelling in Palestina predikte.

4 De belangrijkste persoon in het christendom is Jezus.
a) Wie was Jezus volgens de traditioneel christelijk opvatting.
b) Wie was Jezus volgens de historisch kritische opvatting?
c) Wat is het verschil in Christologie (visie op Jezus) tussen de traditioneel christelijke en de historisch kritische opvatting?
d) Wanneer ontstonden de problemen over hoe we Jezus moeten duiden?
e) Schrijf een beargumenteerd (bronnen gebruiken en vermelden) betoog over jouw kijk op Jezus.
a. De traditioneel-christelijke benadering behandelt Jezus zoals hij in de (orthodoxe) traditie van het christendom wordt opgevat, namelijk dat hij de gezalfde van God is ('gezalfde' komt van het Griekse woord 'christos' wat in het Nederlands wordt weergegeven als 'christus') en zelf ook (onderdeel van) God is (de leer van de goddelijke drie-eenheid).
b. De historisch-kritische benadering van Jezus probeert op een wetenschappelijke wijze te achterhalen wat over het bestaan van Jezus bekend is.
c. Bij de historisch-kritische opvatting word er meer realistischer naar gekeken dan bij de traditionele benadering.
e. Ik denk zelf dat Jezus, in de tijd dat hij leefde, een soort voorbeeld voor veel mensen was. Hij verspreidde het Christelijke geloof, ik geloof niet dat hij echt letterlijk mensen kon genezen, figuurlijk dat is een ander verhaal. Ik denk namelijk dat je de dingen die hij deed figuurlijk moet zien, hij genas mensen van slechte daden bijvoorbeeld. (bron: Wikipedia)

5 Noem twee bronnen die informatie geven over Jezus.
2 bronnen die informatie geven over Jezus zijn: De Bijbel, De TeNaCH.

6 Een van de bronnen over Jezus is afkomstig van Paulus.
a) Wie was deze Paulus? Verwerk in je antwoord de volgende thema’s: wanneer, waar, geboren/gestorven, zijn levensloop, zijn rol in/betekenis voor de christelijke kerk.
b) Wat hield zijn boodschap in?
Paulus was een van de vroege leiders van de christelijke kerk en speelt een centrale rol in de vroege verspreiding van het Christendom. Paulus had een joodse moeder en een romeinse vader en werd geboren rond 3 n.Chr. in Tarsus en overleed in Rome, in 64 of 67 n.Chr. Paulus word een apostel genoemd hoewel hij niet tot de 12 apostelen van Jezus behoorde. Zijn leven word beschreven in het bijbelboek “handelingen van de apostelen”. Na de dood van Jezus ondernam Paulus verschillende reizen door klein-Azie en Griekenland om het Christelijke geloof te verspreiden en Christelijke gemeenten te stichten. Paulus is uiteindelijk onthoofd en begraven in Rome.
B. Paulus moest in zijn boodschap het evangelie verkondigen over zijn Zoon, aan de heidenen.

7 Wat was de aantrekkingskracht van het christendom? (Waarom zette het christendom zich door?)

8 De joodse religie speelde een grote rol in het ontstaan van het christendom. Waaruit blijken de joodse wortels van het christendom.
Het spiretueel lezen van de bijbel werd ook in het Jodendom al gedaan en dat werd daarna ook in het Christendom gedaan.

9 Waarop waren de joodse dromen geprojecteerd in de tijd van het ontstaan van het christenen.
De Joden waren op zoek naar het beloofde land, hun droom was om het beloofde land te vinden.

10 De joodse religie bestond ten tijde van het ontstaan van het christendom uit een aantal stromingen/groeperingen. Een daarvan werden de Farizeeën. Geef de beschrijving van deze groep en verwerk in je antwoord de volgende thema’s: de betekenis van het woord Farizeeën, de geloofsopvatting en de geschiedenis van deze groep, de rol die ze speelden in het Jodendom ten tijde van het ontstaan van het christendom.
De Farizeeën waren een joodse religieuze groep die rond 200 v.Chr. is ontstaan. Farizeeën bekend afgescheidenen/onderscheiden.
Ze hielden zicht streng aan de joodse wetgevind zoals het in de vijf boeken van de Hebreeuwse Bijbel staat. Ze geloofden namelijk dat, hoe beter ze de wet naleefden hoe

Girls' Generation
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For other uses, see Girls' Generation (disambiguation).

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Girls' Generation

Girls' Generation Performing @ BKK (February 2009)
Background information
Also known as SNSD (So Nyeo Shi Dae or So Nyuh Shi Dae), SoShi
Origin Seoul, South Korea
Genres K-pop, dance-pop, retro-pop & teen-pop
Years active 2007 - Present
Labels SM Entertainment
Associated acts SM Town
Website Official Website
Girls' Generation
Hangul 소녀시대
Hanja 少女時代
Revised Romanization So nyeo shi dae
McCune–Reischauer So nyŏ si dae

Girls' Generation (Hangul: Korean: 소녀시대; Hanja: Korean: 少女時代) is a South Korean nine-member girl group formed by SM Entertainment in 2007. Its members include (in order of official announcement) Yoona, Tiffany, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, Seohyun, Taeyeon (leader), Jessica, and Sunny. International Girls' Generation fans usually refer to the group as SNSD, the acronym of the group's Korean name So Nyeo Shi Dae or So Nyuh Shi Dae.

* 1 History
o 1.1 Pre-debut
o 1.2 2007: Debut and first album
o 1.3 2008–2009: Other activities, return with mini-albums
* 2 Member profiles
o 2.1 TaeYeon
o 2.2 Jessica
o 2.3 Sunny
o 2.4 Tiffany
o 2.5 HyoYeon
o 2.6 YuRi
o 2.7 SooYoung
o 2.8 YoonA
o 2.9 SeoHyun
* 3 Controversies
o 3.1 Silent Protest
o 3.2 Marine Girl Concept
* 4 Discography
o 4.1 Compilations
* 5 Reality TV Shows
* 6 Awards
* 7 References
* 8 External links


The members were professionally trained primarily in singing and dancing while a select few were also trained in acting and modeling. Many of the members already had made stage names for themselves through their participation in magazine ads, television commercials, and small television appearances. For nearly two years, Korean websites speculated about which female SM Entertainment trainees would be placed into the group.
2007: Debut and first album

In July 2007, Girls' Generation had their first performance on Inkigayo. The song the girls performed was called "Into the New World" (Korean: 다시 만난 세계), which became their first single. A show documenting the girls' debut titled M.Net's Girls Go To School was filmed during this time.

In August 2007, the single "Into the New World" was released. This single included two other songs, "Beginning" and "Perfect for You", which was later renamed to "Honey" for their self-titled debut album Girls' Generation. An instrumental of "Into the New World" was also included. The group began promoting the single soon after its release. Girls' Generation performed their single on SBS's Inkigayo, MBC's Show! Music Core, and on KBS's Music Bank.

After a short break, the group's first full album was released in late autumn 2007, with the lead single "Girls' Generation" (Korean: "소녀시대"), a cover of Lee Seung-Chul (Korean: 이승철)'s hit. Promotion for the single started in early November. Marked by dance routines and vocals, "Girls' Generation" was a hit for the group, and the album has sold 121,143 copies to date, placing 8th in the year-end charts.[1] In early 2008, Girls' Generation began promoting their second single, "Kissing You". The music video featured Donghae from Super Junior. This song achieved the #1 spot in the three main TV music rankings—SBS Inkigayo, M.net M.Countdown! and KBS Music Bank.[citation needed]

In March 2008, the album was re-released and re-titled Baby Baby. A third single, "Baby Baby", was used to promote the album. A digital EP featuring Jessica, Tiffany, and Seohyun was released on April 2008, titled Roommate. The single from the mini-album is "Oppa Nappa" ("Korean: 오빠 나빠", literally "Bad Brother", although contextually it refers to an older male friend).

Girls' Generation, along with fellow artists such as BoA, TVXQ, Super Junior, CSJH the Grace, Zhang Liyin, SHINee and other SM artists participated in SM Town Live '08. The tour expanded its route to South Korea, Thailand, and China.
2008–2009: Other activities, return with mini-albums

It was announced in autumn 2008 that Girls' Generation would be starring in a reality show on M.net. Titled Factory Girl, the show chronicles the girls working as interns at fashion megazine Elle. The program began airing in early October.[2] During their absence from the music scene, they appeared in many commercials for MapleStory and Mabinogi.

It was then announced that the group's first mini-album, Gee, would be released in January 2009.[3] A teaser video was released in January 2009 and the first single "Gee" released soon after. Interest in the song rose after the digital release,[4] topping Cyworld's hourly music chart on the release day.[5] The song also went #1 on all major digital music charts within two days.[6]

The group began its album promotion on January 2009 on MBC Show! Music Core.[7] They sang their new single, "Gee", and "Him Nae (Way To Go)", another track from the Gee mini-album. This song is a remake of the song "Haptic Motion" that was used in cellphone advertisements and is a mix of bubblegum pop and punk rock. Meanwhile, questions were raised when the group did not appear on KBS's Music Bank with "Gee", even after winning #1 on the music chart show.[8]

"Gee" is the record holder for the longest-running #1 on music portal M.net (for 8 weeks), surpassing the previous record of 6 weeks set by the Wonder Girls' "Nobody".[9][10] They also broke the record on KBS's music show Music Bank by being #1 for 9 consecutive weeks,[11] previously set by Jewelry's "One More Time, which had 7 wins.[12] They won the award for best-selling song for the first half 2009 for "Gee". Promotions for the song ended at the end of March.

After a short break, SM Entertainment announced that the girls would be back with a new single and showing a "Marine Girl" concept; the song, titled "Sowoneul Malhaebwa (Genie)" (Korean: "소원을 말해봐", literally "Tell Me Your Wish"); the mini album was released digitally on June 22, 2009.[13][14] The mini-album includes a duet between Jessica and SHINee member Onew called "One Year Later".[15]

On June 26, 2009, Girls' Generation's comeback performance was recorded on KBS's Music Bank.[15] The group then had their return performances on MBC's Music Core and SBS's Inkigayo on June 27 and 28, 2009. Girls' Generation's 2nd mini-album Genie was released on June 29, 2009. Their first win for their single "Sowoneul Malhaebwa (Genie)" was obtained at the July 10, 2009 episode of KBS Music Bank. Their second award was claimed at the July 12, 2009 episode of SBS Inkigayo. The group finished promotions for "Sowoneul Malhaebwa (Genie)" in August 2009.

On October 7, Girls' Generation, along with label-mate f(x), released a digital single named "Chocolate Love" for the 4th edition of the Blacklabel series LG CYON phone, "Chocolate". Girls' Generation sang the "Retro Pop Version" of the song while f(x) sang the "Electronic Pop Version". The song was not promoted by either group.

In addition to their musical activities, the girls have had various television series, with varied success. On May 3, 2009, Girls' Generation starred in their new reality show Sonyuh Shidae Horror Movie factory, with the premiere episode receiving a viewership rating of 3.3%. The show was then cancelled after 6 episodes due to low ratings.[citation needed] The show was replaced with another Girls' Generation reality program Himnaera-Him! or Cheer Up! in which the girls try to cheer up hardworking people in the midst of an economic slump. The show was canceled after two episodes due to the girls becoming too busy with the release and promotion of their new mini-album, Sowoneul Malhaebwa (Genie).[citation needed] Since June 23, 2009, the group has been on a reality series titled Girls' Generation's Hello Baby, on cable network KBS Joy, where they take care of a child and experience what motherhood is like. In that show, they take care of a boy name "Cho Kyungsan" (Korean: "조경산"), and each week they (or fathers, male guests who come out time to time) select "The Best Mom" and "the Worst Mom" among the members according to their work for the day. The show ended on November 17, 2009.[citation needed]

The group also announced its first solo tour, with two Korean dates in December and other Asian locations to follow.[16] The Korean dates sold out in 3 minutes.[17] The concert is entitled "Into the New World" after their debut single.
Member profiles
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Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2008)
Further information: Taeyeon

* Birth name: Kim Tae Yeon (Hangul: 김태연; Hanja: 金泰妍)
* Date of birth: March 9, 1989 (1989-03-09) (age 20)

She attented the SM Academy. She has ventured out into DJ-ing such as her Chin Chin Radio, and has released various solo contributions. With Jessica, Seohyun and Sunny, she released a digital song entitled "I Can't Bear It Anymore". KBS Drama Hong Gil Dong (TV series) "만약에 (If)" and MBC Drama Beethoven Virus "들리나요..." (Can You Hear Me...?). In 2009, she sang "사랑인걸요" (This Love) with fellow member Sunny for the "Heading To The Ground" OST.

* Birth name: Jessica Jung (Hangul: 제시카 정)
* Korean name: Jung Soo Yeon (Hangul: 정수연; Hanja: 鄭秀妍)
* Date of birth: April 18, 1989 (1989-04-18) (age 20)

Jessica was born and raised in San Francisco, California. With Seohyun, Sunny and Taeyeon, they released a digital single entitled "I Can't Bear It Anymore". .Along with Tiffany and Seohyun, she released a single, "Oppa Nappa" (Korean: 오빠 나빠) and "Mabinogi [It's Fantastic!]". She starred in Kim Jo-han's music video "Love is Late, I'm Sorry" and also featured in 8Eight's song, "I Love You". In their second mini-album, she sings a duet with SHINee's leader Onew in the track "One Year Later" (Korean: 1년 後). Jessica and Park Myeong-su (Korean: 박명수) released a duet song for Infinity Challenge called, "NaengMyun" (Korean: 냉면). She also appeared in Super Junior-M's music video "Super Girl". She will be playing the main character, Elle Woods, in the Korean production of Legally Blonde - The Musical from November 2009 at the Seoul SamSungDong CoEX Atrium. She is the older sister of Krystal from f(x).

* Birth name: Lee Sun Kyu (Hangul: 이순규; Hanja: 李順圭)
* Date of birth: May 15, 1989 (1989-05-15) (age 20)

Sunny was a trainee under a different company before transferring into SM Entertainment. After several months of training in 2007, Sunny debuted as a member of Girls' Generation that same year. With Jessica, Seohyun and Taeyeon, they released a digital singled called "I Can't Bear It Anymore". She was a co-DJ of ChunJi (Korean: 천방지축 라디오, literally Reckless Radio), along with Sungmin (Korean: 성민), of Super Junior until the broadcast ended on the July 30, 2008. Sunny appeared in Super Junior-H's music video for "Cooking? Cooking!". Sunny also sang the song "Finally Now" (Korean: 이제서야), on the soundtrack for the movie Story of Wine. She also co-hosts a music show called The M with SS501's Hyungjoon. She is also the niece of Lee Soo Man, the founder of SM Entertainment. Sunny and Yuri are permanent guests in the television program Invincible Youth, as part of G7 (consisting of 7 girls from popular Korean idol groups).

* Birth name: Stephanie Hwang
* Korean name: Hwang Mi Young (Hangul: 황미영; Hanja: 黄美英)
* Date of birth: August 1, 1989 (1989-08-01) (age 20)

Born in Los Angeles but raised in Diamond Bar, California, USA, she was discovered in the SM Starlight Casting System 2004 in Los Angeles. She and Jessica teaches Seohyun English language. Along with Seohyun and Jessica, she released a single, "Oppa Nappa" (Korean: 오빠 나빠) and "Mabinogi [It's Fantastic!]". She was the co-host of Sonyeo Sonyeon Gayo Baekso (Korean: 소년소녀 가요백서), along with Kim Hyesung from November 5, 2007 to June 13, 2008. She sang "Na Honjaseo" (Korean: "나 혼자서", "By Myself") from the Ja Myung Go soundtrack, a duet with K.Will called "Sonyeo, Sarangeul Mannada" (Korean: "소녀, 사랑을 만나다", "A Girl Meets Love"), as well as "Feeling Only You" by The Blue (Kim Min-Jong & Son Ji Chang) with Soo Young. Tiffany and Yuri currently host MBC's Music Core.

* Birth name: Kim Hyo Yeon (Hangul: 김효연; Hanja: 金孝渊)
* Date of birth: September 22, 1989 (1989-09-22) (age 20)

Hyoyeon was featured in one of BoA's live concerts as a dancer. She attended a hip-hop dance school that specialized in waving, popping, and locking. In 2004, along with labelmate Siwon, she traveled to Beijing, China to learn more about Chinese for four months.

* Birth name: Kwon Yu Ri (Hangul: 권유리; Hanja: 權侑利)
* Date of birth: December 5, 1989 (1989-12-05) (age 20)

Yuri also played a part in the sitcom Unstoppable Marriage (Korean: 못말리는 결혼), alongside Sooyoung. Yuri alongside with Sooyoung sang the song "Ggok" (Korean: 꼭)as an OST for the movie, "Working Mom". Yuri is also the centerpiece of K. Will's music video "Dropping the Tears" (Korean: 눈물이 뚝뚝), and appears in the music video for "JjaRaJaJja" (Korean: 짜라자짜) by Joo Hyun-Mi & Seohyun (ft. Davichi). Apart from her solo works, she is currently the co-host of Korean music program Music Core on MBC alongside Tiffany. Yuri and Sunny are permanent guests in the television program Invincible Youth, as part of G7 (consisting of 7 girls from popular Korean idol groups).

* Birth name: Choi Soo Young (Hangul: 최수영; Hanja: 崔秀英)
* Date of birth: February 10, 1990 (1990-02-10) (age 19)

Before Sooyoung's audition to Girls' Generation, she made a brief debut in Japan as a singer in the group called "Route φ". She first debuted with Marina Takahashi with the song "Start". She was previously a DJ of ChunJi (Korean: 천방지축 라디오, literally Reckless Radio), along with Sungmin of Super Junior but was soon replaced by Sunny due to schedule conflicts. Sooyoung also played a part in the sitcom Unstoppable Marriage (Korean: 못말리는 결혼), alongside Yuri and was also in the movie Hello Schoolgirl with Kang-in of Super Junior and actress Lee Yeon-hee. Currently, she hosts MBC TV program Fantastic Duo (Korean: 환상의 짝꿍), as well as the DJ for "Starry Night Radio" with 2AM's Changmin. She also featured in "Feeling Only You" by The Blue (Kim Min-Jong & Son Ji Chang) with Tiffany.
Further information: Im Yoona

* Birth name: Im Yoon A (Hangul: 임윤아; Hanja: 林潤娥)
* Date of birth: May 30, 1990 (1990-05-30) (age 19)

She debuted in the 2007 drama series 9 Ends 2 Outs (9회말 2아웃) playing a minor role, then guest starred a few times on Park Jung Geum and went on to co-star as the lead in You Are My Destiny and Cinderella Man.

* Birth name: Seo Joo Hyun (Hangul: 서주현; Hanja: 徐珠賢)
* Date of birth: June 28, 1991 (1991-06-28) (age 18)

She was casted in the 2003 SM Casting System. She was a 2004 SMART uniform model with TVXQ. She can sing soft ballad and trot. With Jessica, Sunny and Taeyeon, with released a digital single called "I Can't Bear It Anymore". She had her very first solo single entitled "I Don't Know What Is Love Yet", last singing it on 30 December 2007 at the 2007 SBS Gayo Festival. Along with Jessica and Tiffany, they released a single "Oppa Nappa" (Korean: 오빠 나빠), and "Mabinogi (It's Fantastic!)". On February 17, 2009, her duet with trot singer Joo Hyun-Mi (Korean: 주현미) (ft. Davichi), was digitally released, called "JjaLaJaJja" (Korean: 짜라자짜) and was nominated for the M.net Asian Music Awards as the Best Trot Music Award of the year.
Silent Protest

On June 7 2008, during the 2008 Dream Concert, a silent protest was held against Girls' Generation by various fanclubs, notably E.L.F. (Super Junior), Cassiopeia (TVXQ), and Triple S (SS501) by turning off their glow stick and remaining silent during the performance. [18]
Marine Girl Concept

When the cover image for their second EP Genie was released, there was a spectacle over some of the images used on the cover, specifically a World War II Japanese A6M Zero fighter and a Nazi swastika shaped badge. SM Entertainment delayed the EP in order to redo the covers.[19] The EP was released 4 days later.
Main article: Girls' Generation discography

Into the New World (debut single)

* Released: August 2, 2007
* Format: CD
* Label: Seoul Records
* Producer: SM Entertainment
* Tracks: 4
* Singles: "Into the New World"

Girls' Generation (First/debut album)

* Released: November 1, 2007
* Format: CD
* Label: Seoul Records
* Producer: SM Entertainment
* Tracks: 11 (14 in re-release)
* Singles: "Girls' Generation", "Kissing You", "Baby Baby"

The First Mini Album – Gee

* Released: January 7, 2009
* Format: CD, digital
* Label: Seoul Records
* Producer: SM Entertainment
* Tracks: 5
* Singles: "Gee"

The Second Mini Album – Tell Me Your Wish

* Released: June 29, 2009
* Format: CD, digital
* Label: Seoul Records
* Producer: SM Entertainment
* Tracks: 6
* Singles: "Sowoneul Malhaebwa (Genie)"

Chocolate Love (Retro Pop Version)

* Released: October 7, 2009
* Format: Digital
* Label: Seoul Records
* Producer: Bloodshy & Avant
* Singles: Chocolate Love


* November 23, 2007: SBS Drama Thirty Thousand Miles in Search of My Son OST
o Track 1, "Touch the Sky"
* December 7, 2007: 2007 WINTER SMTOWN
o Track 7, "Love Melody"
* January 22, 2008: KBS Drama Hong Gil Dong (TV series) OST
o Track 2, "만약에 (Manyage / If)" : Taeyeon Solo
o Track 5, "작은 배 (Jageun Bae / The Little Boat)"
* August 8, 2008: SBS Drama Working Mom OST
o Track 1, "꼭 (Ggok / For Sure)" : YuRi & SooYoung Duet
o Track 2, "사랑을 몰라요 (Sarang-eul Mollayo / You don't Know about Love)" : Sunny Solo
* September 17, 2008: MBC Drama Beethoven Virus OST
o Track 7, "들리나요... (Deullinayo / Can You Hear Me...?)" : Taeyeon Solo
o Track 13, "Day by Day"
* November 15, 2008: IPTV Movie Story of Wine OST
o "이제서야 (Ijeseoya / Forever (Finally) Now)" : Sunny Solo
* March 25, 2009: SBS Drama Ja Myung Go OST
o Track "나 혼자서 (By Myself)" : Tiffany Solo
* September 16, 2009: MBC Drama Heading To The Ground OST
o Track 1 "사랑인걸요 (SarangInGulYo / It's Love)" : Taeyeon & Sunny Duet
o Track 2 "Motion" : Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany & Seohyun

Reality TV Shows
Year Channel Title Episode(s)
2007 M.net Girls' Generation Goes to School 9
MTV Korea SNSD 10
2008~2009 M.net Factory Girl 10
2009 MBC Girls' Generation's Horror Movie Factory 6 (canceled due to low ratings)
KBS JOY Girls' Generation's Hello Baby 22 (Extended due to popularity)
MBC Girls' Generation's Himnae-ra Him (Cheer Up!) 2 (Discontinued due to schedule conflicts).
Years Awards

* 14th Annual Korean Entertainment Awards [Best New Female Group]
* M.net Golden Disk Awards [Anycall Newbie Award]
* M.net Golden Disk Awards [Anycall Popularity Award]
* 14th Annual Korean Performing Arts Ceremony [Best New Female Group]


* 17th Seoul Gayo Awards [High1 Music Award]
* 17th Seoul Gayo Awards [Best New Artist Award]
* M.net 20's Choice [Hot Sweet Music Award] {Kissing You}
* 15th Annual Korean Entertainment Awards [Best Female Group]


* Cyworld Digital Music Awards [Song of the Month] (January) {Gee}
* Incheon Culture Day Ceremony [2009 Young Artist Award]
* 17th Korean Cultural Entertainment Awards [Teen Musical Artist Award]

Its on 18 december though.

Last edited by Shiyu on Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Admin wHo KiLLeD SHIYU
Admin wHo KiLLeD SHIYU

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PostSubject: Re: Important Notice   Important Notice Icon_minitimeWed Dec 09, 2009 2:27 pm


dutch notice xD
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Pretty PoPulAir [ 5 stars =D ]
Pretty PoPulAir  [ 5 stars =D ]

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PostSubject: Re: Important Notice   Important Notice Icon_minitimeWed Dec 09, 2009 9:01 pm

Erm sorry i can't read dutch and also lazy to translate it =p
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PostSubject: Re: Important Notice   Important Notice Icon_minitimeMon Dec 21, 2009 2:14 am

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